safe operation of a smart power system
AMI introduces serious privacy concerns, as immense amounts of energy use information will be stored at the meter. Featured articles are reserved for IEEE PES members. [4] This would be until IEC 62368-1 becomes adopted by national standards committees. parameters = {}; The meter safety standard and switchgear standards may assume that these components are installed in Overvoltage Category IV or III environments, but the information technology equipment standard expect equipment to be installed nominally in Overvoltage Category II environments. 5, pp. Many older (and even some newer) systems do not have adequate battery backup, especially for auxiliary devices such as locks, relays, and strikes. 861875, May 2005. While smart power systems may increase upfront cost slightly, they provide tremendous value in active supervision of power failures, smart battery charging to extend life, and power condition monitoring and reporting. Course Typically Offered: Online in Summer and Winter quarters. Mr. Gies graduated from Rutgers University College of Engineering as an electrical engineer. These include: In addition, AMI systems will need to be defended against more traditional cyberthreats such as mobile and malicious code, DoS attacks, misuse and malicious insider threats, accidental faults introduced by human error, and the problems associated with software and hardware aging. if (typeof arguments[2] === 'object') { Military & Defense. Furthermore, since it will be impossible to protect against all threats, smart meters must be able to detect even the most subtle unauthorized changes and precursors to tampering or intrusion. S. M. Amin, Energy infrastructure defense systems, Proc. Besides, an. Finally, no matter how many layers of security or how much sophistication is used in defense mechanisms, it is essential that the industry hire qualified people. __gtagTrackerOptout(); 624631. overall systems science and dynamics (including infrastructure, ecology and environment, markets, and data-driven policy designs). Containment of batteries capable of producing excessive heat during breakdown or thermal runaway. As identified from the risk assessment, safe operating methods define a process that aims to develop and implement workplace-specific safety systems for work, equipment . __gaTracker.remove = noopfn; return new Tracker(); In addition, examples of some likely smart-grid applications and the safety considerations that would need to be addressed are discussed. In most cases, this will be achieved by use of DC storage batteries that invert the electrical energy to AC for local use or for sale back to the electric company. However, the unexpected spread of COVID-19 has provided a new perspective in power system operation planning studies, which have highlighted the emerging roles of public health and political measures in profiling the electricity consumption. } 24, no. Sign up to hear about
This state-of-the-art safety standard classifies energy sources, prescribes safeguards against those energy sources, and provides guidance on the application of, and requirements for those safeguards. 1/10/2023 - 3/11/2023extensioncanvas.ucsd.eduYou will have access to your course materials on the published start date OR 1 business day after your enrollment is confirmed if you enroll on or after the published start date. Contact: For more information about this course, please email, Course Number:ECE-40314
IEEE, vol. if (! Smart Decision, 2010, unpublished internal Alcatel-Lucent article. This would require the highest levels of guarding against intentional access to hazardous voltages. 166 Smart Grid Safety and Security: Educational and Research Activities Disturbances in smart grid operation can originate from natural disasters, failures, human factors, terrorism, and so on. This challenge is further complicated by the fact that the North American electric power grid may be considered as the largest and most complex machine in the world: its transmission lines connect all the electric generation and distribution on the continent. It can serve as a guidance for those working within multiple domains related to smart grid and smart grid systems and even for readers interested in understanding what the Smart Grid is,. For the near term, we would expect to use IEC 60950-1 to evaluate smart grid equipment with communication and information technology circuitry for safety, as well as the required protection and separation from other circuits that they require. With diminished transmission and generation capacity and with dramatic increases in interregional bulk power transfers and the diversity of transactions, the electric power grid is being used in ways for which it was not originally designed. upcoming events and courses, Computer-Aided Design (CAD) & Building Information Modeling (BIM), Teaching English as a Foreign Language (TEFL), Global Environmental Leadership and Sustainability, System Administration, Networking and Security, Burke Lectureship on Religion and Society, California Workforce and Degree Completion Needs, UC Professional Development Institute (UCPDI), Workforce Innovation Opportunity Act (WIOA), Introduction to Cybersecurity in the Smart Energy Environment, Introduction to Distributed Energy Resources in the Electric Grid, Electronics and Telecommunications Review: Math, Circuits and Signals, Microgrid Design, Economic Optimization and Simulation, Overview of traditional of distribution systems, Challenges of integrating of distributed energy resources into the distribution systems, Advanced protection systems, feeder automation and reconfiguration, Fault location, Isolation and Service Restoration (FLSIR), Grasp the structure of the evolving distribution systems, Learn the nature of distribution loads and their characterization, Master the depth of distribution reliability and relevance of reliability indices, Assimilate the impact of distribution feeder voltage regulation, Understand the value of the Supervisory Control and Data Acquisition System (SCADA) in todays dx system, Comprehend the impacts of selected distribution automation applications, Identify the challenges with Distributed Energy Resources on dx systems, Learn the salient points of smart meters, Advanced Metering Infrastructure (AMI) and applications, Distribution Management Systems (DMS), and Outage Management System (OMS). __gtagDataLayer.apply(null, arguments); Local power generation systems, such as photovoltaic systems, generators, fuel-cell systems, and the like, for which the smart grid will permit the sale of power back to the utility, involve the following safety concerns: The frequency of the locally-generated power has to be synchronized with that of the main grid. .wp-block-pullquote{font-size: 1.5em;line-height: 1.6;} B. Metallo, Smart Grid. Orders ship within ONE business day and regular shipping is always FREE. } Accounting for all critical assets includes thousands of transformers, line reactors, series capacitors, and transmission lines. Current privacy laws in the United States are fragmented and vague and do not specifically address consumer energy usage. They therefore provide an excellent reference point for an analysis of cybervulnerability. Online Asynchronous.This course is entirely web-based and to be completed asynchronously between the published course start and end dates. IEC 62368-1 is the new hazard-based safety engineering standard covering audio/video, information and communication technology equipment. The Academy compiled a list of twenty accomplishments that have affected virtually everyone in the world. We could reasonably expect to see some form of communication interfaces and information technology in some appliances that traditionally would never have had such interfaces (washer/dryers, refrigerators, etc.). It is viewed as the necessary next step in order to modernize the power distribution grids, but there is no single view on what shape or format the smart grid will take. S. M. Amin, Securing the electricity grid, Bridge, vol. a fiber optic router); Smart distribution boards and circuit breakers integrated with home control and demand response (behind the meter from a utility . Secure and reliable operation of the electric system is fundamental to national and international economic systems, security, and quality of life. return null; They can also alert operators to possible threats before any systems are harmed. If we agree to take a modular approach to evaluating the safety of the smart-grid technology equipment, then IEC 62368-1 will be well-suited for providing the plug-in modules for evaluating the safety of the information technology and communication circuitry portion of the smart grid equipment. :where({gap: 2em;} Smart Power Systems began making hydraulic generators for the fire industry in 1995. The interdependency analyses done by most companies in the last 1214 years (starting with the preparations for Y2K and continuing after the tragic events of 9/11) have identified these links and the systems vulnerability to their failure. It recognizes smart-grid technology as the merger of power generation, distribution, metering and switching equipment with communication, information technology, and with new user applications. A smart power system gives its users intelligible monitoring and maintenance of the power being driven to your security system. } Power Systems Dr. Hamed Mohsenian-Rad Communications and Control in Smart Grid Texas Tech University 2 The Four Main Elements in Power Systems: Power Production / Generation Power Transmission Power Distribution Power Consumption / Load Of course, we also need monitoring and control systems. As an increasing amount of electricity is generated from distributed renewable sources, the problem will only be exacerbated; the U.S. Department of Energy (DOE) has concluded that generating 20% of all electricity with land-based wind installations will require at least 20,000 square miles. Such arguments have led to the recent moratoriums on AMI installations in numerous northern California communities and other areas throughout the country. Smart and Safe Power Alarm System . As a result, several key privacy concerns need to be addressed, including those outlined by the Cyber Security Working Group of the U.S. National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST). var gaMap = { This is based on logarithmic plot of drain current against Drain-to-Source voltage as shown in the figure. The truth is that, as a nation, we must and absolutely can meet the power needs of a pervasively digital society if the United States wishes to maintain its role as a global economic and political leader. Easy operation. A MODULAR APPROACH TO SMART-GRID SAFETY These smart power systems yield a 77% increase in efficiency, lower the total cost of ownership, and gather data about the health of power, battery backup, and critical access control and security devices. The machine will turn on. for (var index = 0; index < disableStrs.length; index++) { safe operation of a smart power system. Configurable and field upgradeable power supplies with output power from 50kW to 400kW. It is not yet known what the smart-grid killer app is going to be, but like pre-season predictions of who is going to win the Super Bowl or the World Cup, some think that it is going to be plug-in hybrid electric vehicles (PHEVs) and possibly full electric vehicles (EVs). As such, a good approach to the safety evaluation of this merged technology is to take a modular approach, and evaluate the merged technologies for safety as components. window.ExactMetricsDualTracker = { Nicholas (Nick) Abi-Samrahas over 35 years of experience in the power and energy field across the whole power systems value chain power generation, transmission, distribution, retail and end-use. [2] Mr. Edison would not be familiar with nuclear power plants or photovoltaic cells, as these technologies were developed after his death in 1931. Fully integrated battery. Abi-Samra has acquired a diverse background in power systems holding high-level positions at various companies including: Senior Vice President - DNV GL (Kema) Vice President - Quanta Technology Senior Manager - Smart Grid Services Senior Technical Executive - Accenture Senior Technical Director - EPRI Manager/Fellow - Westinghouse Electric Corporation Adjunct Professor - Carnegie-Mellon University Abi-Samra's industry honors include: Read More. . It exponentially increases the cost and difficulty of compromising a system by creating a much stronger defense than the use of any individual component alone, thus reducing the likelihood of an attack. This strong interdependence means that an action in one part of an infrastructure network can rapidly create global effects by cascading throughout the same network and even into other networks. It uses the three-block model for pain and injury from the energy source to the person, with the middle block covering the safeguarding necessary to prevent or limit the harmful energy to a person. Transportation systems, including military and commercial aircraft and land and sea vessels, depend on communication and energy networks. The best way to approach this new, merged technology is to break it down into its component technologies, then use existing or new standards to evaluate safety issues involving the component technologies. As power systems rely more heavily on computerized communications and control, system security has become increasingly dependent on protecting the integrity of the associated information systems. Providing the desired flow on one line often results in loop flows on several other lines. While the digitization of such systems will present many new security challenges, it will also provide the grid with increased flexibility to prevent and withstand potential threats. For over 30 years more electrical power professionals have used this guide for safe, economical system operation than any other in print. for (var index = 0; index < disableStrs.length; index++) { Cyberthreat evolution (source: EPRI). window['__gtagTracker'] = __gtagTracker; 7577, May/June 2009. Part of the problem is that the existing control systems, which were originally designed for use with proprietary, stand-alone communication networks, were later connected to the Internet (because of its productivity advantages and lower costs) but without adding the technology needed to make them secure. window.cookieconsent.initialise(json) } __gaTracker.getAll = function () { This paper describes the security risks, security objectives and security research trends in smart grid. /* Disable tracking if the opt-out cookie exists. Participants will examine the practical aspects of the technologies, design and implementation, smart grid applications and sensing; demand side management, smart grid economics, microgrids and distributed energy resources, and fault location and service restoration (FLSIR). if (type === 'event') { Don Gies has been a product compliance engineer for over 25 years. 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A 2006 study by the Edison Electric Institute (EEI) calculated that putting power lines underground would cost about US$1 million per mile, compared with US$100,000 per mile for overhead lines, making the idea financially infeasible. The smart grid would also manage the connection of millions of plug-in hybrid electric vehicles into the power system. Grid congestion and atypical power flows have been increasing during the last 25 years, while customer expectations of reliability and cyber and physical security are rising to meet the needs of a pervasively digital world. 'page': 'page_path', if (document.cookie.indexOf(disableStrs[index] + '=true') > -1) { Of the power being driven to your security system in Summer and Winter quarters electricity! For safe, economical system operation than any other in print, if ( type === '... Iec 62368-1 becomes adopted by national standards committees list of twenty accomplishments that have affected virtually everyone the... 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