What drives media attention on China in the United States during the Sino-US trade conflict Job Market Paper: Informality and Development: The Role of Transportation Infrastructure in Reducing Self-Employment Job Market Paper: Neighborhoods, Perceived Inequality and Preferences for Redistribution: Evidence from Barcelona The Role of Gender Norms Initial Placement: Assistant Professor of Economics and Environmental Studies, Oberlin College, Oberlin OH. Job Market Candidates. Allrightsreserved. References: Ray Fisman, Daniele Paserman, Sam Bazzi, Fields: Microeconomic Theory, Decision Theory, Behavioral Economics A Job Ladder Model of Firm, Worker, and Earnings Dynamics. Additional information on each student are available from our placement committee. Job Market Paper: Simulating Endogenous Global Automation CV| Website | wumeng@bu.edu oranuchw@iastate.edu. References: Albert Ma, Randall Ellis, Marc Rysman, Fields: Regional Economics, Urban Economics, Empirical Microeconomics Causal evidence from cleaning workers in Brazil, Income Dynamics and Rent Sharing of Coworking Couples, Labor Economics, Applied Microeconomics, Household Finance, "Miss"-Allocation: The Value of Workplace Gender Composition and Occupational Segregation, The Pass-through of Productivity Shocks to Wages and the Cyclical Competition for Workers, Too Much or Too Little Faith in Success? Personal website. Professor Andreoni is the primary contact for prospective employers who have questions about a candidate's vitae, experience or research fields. Chandler Reilly. Mariacristina De Nardi C.V.| Website | tsdeng@bu.edu Job Market Paper: Real Rigidities Strike Back: Retailers, Sticky Basket Prices, and Monetary Non-Neutrality Job Market Paper: Relationship Building under Market Pressure Applied Microeconomics C.V. | Website | zhaonan@bu.edu Thank you for visiting our Economics Job Market Candidates page. Job Market Paper: Disruptive Effects of Natural Disasters: The 1906 San Francisco Fire Graduate Degree Programs Toggle Graduate Degree Programs Job Market Candidates Available November 2022 for positions in Summer/Fall 2023 Placement Officers: Pete Klenow 650-725-2620 klenow@stanford.edu Liran Einav 650-723-3704 leinav@stanford.edu Placement Administrator: C.V. | Website | eaweber@bu.edu References: Albert Ma, Bart Lipman, Alex White, Fields: Applied Microeconomic Theory, Law and Economics CV | Website | mjmcd@bu.edu Job Market Paper: Testing the Efficacy of Stepping Stone Equilibria in Coordination Games, Fields: Game Theory, Experimental, and Environmental Economics, Committee: Jiabin Wu (chair), Anne van den Nouweland, Van Kolpin, and Mikhail Myagkov (Political Science), Job Market Paper:Economic Development, Education and Ethnicity Choice in China, Fields:Game Theory, Cultural Economics, Social Structures and Network Theory, Committee:Jiabin Wu (chair), Benjamin Hansen, Jonathan Davis, and Thanh Nguyen (CIS), Job Market Paper: Diplomatic Relations and Trade: The Effect of Switching Ties from Taiwan to China, Fields: International Trade, Macroeconomics, Development, Committee: Anca Cristea (Co-Chair), Bruce Blonigen (Co-Chair), Woan Foong Wong, Yeling Tan (Political Science), Job Market Paper: The Effect of Violent Video Games on Violent Crime, Fields: Applied Microeconometrics, Labor, Education, and Crime, Committee: Glen Waddell (chair), Mark Colas, Edward Rubin and Chris Sinclair (Mathematics), Job Market Paper: The Impact of Ready-Made Garments on Female Labor Force Participation, Fertility, and Human Capital Accumulation Among Bangladeshi Women, Fields: Applied Econometrics, Development, Macroeconomics and Demography, Committee: Shankha Chakraborty (Co-chair), Alfredo Burlando (Co-chair), Anca Cristea, Ben Yang (Operations and Business Analytics), Job Market Paper:Id like to make a complaint against an officer: Field experiment evidence of police discrimination based on citizen race, ethnicity, and gender, Fields: Environmental, Criminal Justice, Experimental, Committee: Edward Rubin (chair), Trudy Ann Cameron, Jonathan M. Davis, and Bryce Newell (Journalism and Communication). As a result, each student enters the job The department plays an active role in assisting graduate students with career placement. References: Chiara Margaria, Ching-to Albert Ma, Jawwad Noor, Fields: Macroeconomics, Public Finance References: Samuel Bazzi, Daniele Paserman, Joshua Goodman, Fields: Industrial Organization, Finance, Applied Econometrics Contract Theory We are proud of the research contributions that our past graduates have made in Economics and expectthat this years group will continue that tradition. References: Stephen Terry, David Lagakos, Tarek Hassan, Fields: Microeconomic Theory, Organizational Economics She is a Visiting Associate Professor at the Institute for E CV| Website | jiam@bu.edu CV| Website | dlsu@bu.edu C.V.| Website | lctlabc@bu.edu References: Stephen Terry, Pascual Restrepo, Adam Guren, Michael Meurer, Fields: Macroeconomics, Economics of Innovation, Applied Econometrics Job Market Paper: Technological Change and Racial Disparities CV | Website | enricodm@bu.edu PhD Candidate - Primary Fields: Asset Pricing, Economic Theory, Financial Economics, PhD Candidate - Primary Fields: Transport Economics, Urban and Regional Economics, PhD Candidate - Primary Field: Public Economics, PhD Candidate - Primary Fields: International Economics, Macroeconomics, Monetary Economics, PhD Candidate - Primary Fields: Applied Microeconomics, Empirical Industrial, PhD Candidate - Primary Fields: Applied Microeconomics, Health Economics, Macroeconomics, PhD Candidate - Primary Fields: Macroeconomics, Macro-finance, PhD Candidate - Primary Fields: Growth and Development, Macroeconomics, PhD Candidate - Primary Fields: Macroeconomics, Monetary Economics, Copyright 2023 by:Arts & Sciences at Washington University in St. Louis, Department of Economics The Department of Economics at Michigan State University is proud to have a number of excellent students on the job market this year (2022/23). economics@wustl.edu, Visit the main Washington University in St. Louis website. Job Market Paper: Modeling Regime Switching in High Dimensional Data with Applications to U.S. Business Cycles Job Market Paper: Competition for Exclusivity and Customer Lock-in Download theMIT Economics Job Market Packet, See theMIT Sloan School of Management candidates. References: Ray Fisman, Daniele Paserman, Ilyana Kuziemko, Johannes Schmieder, Fields: Industrial Organization, Applied Microeconometrics Xiaowei An. References: Randall Ellis (co-advisor), Tal Gross (co-advisor), Marc Rysman, Jihye Jeon, Fields: International Economics, Development Economics, Macroeconomics Daniel Solon. CV| Website | cgao14@bu.edu C.V. | Website | jfabina@bu.edu Job Market Paper: R&D Return Dispersion and Growth Job Market Paper: Readers vs owner? References: Samuel Bazzi, Dilip Mookherjee, Robert Margo, Fields: Political Economy, Development Economics The Value of Health Risk Information The following websites include the subset of students who are receiving their degrees in closely related Fields outside of Economics: Field of Public Policy, Field of Applied Economics and Management. C.V. | Website | theahow@bu.edu CLA is committed to making its digital resources accessible. At Cornell University, economists are trained in many departments, schools and colleges, and as a part of multiple graduate fields. Ph.D. Job Market Candidates - Department of Economics Directory Ph.D. Job Market Candidates Ph.D. Job Market Candidates Adger, Chandon Applied Microeconomics Primary Advisor: Dr. Steve Puller Job Market Paper: "The Equilibrium Effects of School Voucher Programs" Email: chad2013@tamu.edu Personal Website Cao, Andy Behavioral/Experimental Economics References: Randall Ellis, Marc Rysman, Leila Agha, Christopher Whaley, Fields: Health Economics, Industrial Organization Originally from Quebec, Canada, I am an Assistant Professor of Economics at George Mason University and earned my Ph.D. in economic history from the London School of Economics. MN For convenience in recruiting, we have below a summary list of our PhD candidates who are in the job market this year. Job Market Paper: Production of private safe assets and macroprudential policy Misallocation in the Market for Inventors, "Globalization and Structural Transformation: The Role of Tradable Services, A Tale of Two Recessions: Decomposing Import Patterns After 2020 and 2008", Procurement with Bid Preference and Buyers Switching Costs: The Case of Municipal Buses, Health-Dependent Preferences, Consumption, and Insurance, Credit Ratings in Sovereign Bond Markets, Technological Change and Demand for Redistribution: Micro Evidence and Macro Implications, The Value of Certification to Consumers: Evidence from the U.S. Organic Food Market. References: Marianne Baxter, Stephen Terry, Andrea Vedolin, Fields: Econometrics, Empirical Finance Initial Placement: Economist, Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve System, Washington D.C. Dissertation: Sectoral Prices and Price-Setting, Fields: Macroeconomics, Monetary, and Applied Econometrics, Committee: George Evans (co-chair), Bruce McGough (co-chair), Jeremy Piger, Stephen McKeon (Finance), Initial Placement: Assistant Professor of Economics, Bentley University, Waltham MA, Dissertation: Incorporating High Dimensional Data Vectors into Structural Macroeconomic Models, Committee: Bruce McGough (co-chair), Jeremy Piger (co-chair), George Evans, Christopher Bone (Geography), Initial Placement: Assistant Professor of Economics, Salisbury University, Salisbury MD, Dissertation:Essays on the Recreational Value of Avian Biodiversity, Fields:Environmental, Public, and Applied Econometrics, Committee:Trudy Ann Cameron (chair), Ralph Mastromonaco, Wes Wilson, Scott Bridgham (Biology), Dan Gleason, Initial Placement: Economist, Laurits R. Christensen Associates, Inc., Madison WI, Dissertation:Essays on the Economics of Telephones and Evolving Technologies, Fields:Industrial Organization, Applied Econometrics, Committee:Wes Wilson (chair), Jeremy Piger, Van Kolpin, Michael Russo (Management), Initial Placement: Economist, US Census Bureau, Suitland MD, Dissertation:Essays on Income and Environmental Inequality, Fields:Public, Environmental, and Applied Econometrics, Committee:Trudy Ann Cameron (chair), Peter Lambert, Caroline Weber, Ronald Mitchell (Political Science). Job Market Paper: Bargaining and Merger in Vertical Relationships: Empirics of Packaged Food with Limited Data References: Bart Lipman, Larry Epstein, Juan Ortner, Fields: Development Economics, Public Economics, Political Economy CV | Website | mhdrake@bu.edu Job Market Paper: Between the Board Room and Parliament: Special Legislation, Capital Investment, and Railway Directors in Parliament, 1854-1901 Candidates must hold a Ph.D. in Economics (or expect to complete the degree by August 2022), show evidence of effective and high-quality teaching at the collegiate level, and . Job Market Paper: Mixture-Dependent Preference for Commitment References: Bart Lipman, Juan Ortner, Chiara Margaria, Fields: Applied Microeconomic Theory, Law and Economics, Political Economy Placement Director . . Job Market Paper: Housing Markets and the Heterogeneous Effects of Monetary Policy Across the Euro Area Candidates for 2022-2023 Oguzhan Celebi Theory Market Design Political Economy Alden Cheng Health Applied Econometrics Labor Jonathan Cohen Labor Public Finance Joel Flynn Macroeconomics Theory Finance Giacomo Lanzani Theory Behavioral Andre Medeiros Sztutman Public Finance Macroeconomics Contract Theory Information Economics Jacob Moscona References: Laurence Kotlikoff, Seth Benzell, David Altig, Charles Becker, Fields: Microeconomic Theory, Information Economics, Behavioral Economics Research Interests:Labor Economics, Economics of Education, Applied Economics, References:Maria Fitzpatrick(chair),Seth Sanders,Evan Riehl, HuCV| Hu Personal Webpage| zh282@cornell.edu, Job Market Paper:How Competition Shapes Peer Effects: Evidence from a University in China C.V. | Website | sbenzell@mit.edu References: David Lagakos (co-advisor), Pascual Restrepo (co-advisor), Kevin Lang, Fields: Macroeconomics, Monetary Economics, Industrial Organization CV| Website | dicandia@bu.edu Job Market Paper: U.S. Immigration Enforcement and Mexican Labor Markets Job Market Paper: Spread too Thin: The Impact of Lean Inventories C.V.| Website | undral@bu.edu Economic Theory ", Public Economics, Household Finance, Labor Economics, Technology Adoption and the Slowdown in Skilled Labor Demand, Behavioral and Experimental Economics, Microeconomic Theory, Industrial Organization, Public Economics, Applied Microeconomics, Labor Market Recoveries Across the Wealth Distribution, Discrimination Against Doctors: A Field Experiment, Experimental and Behavioral Economics, Health Economics, Market Design, A Fiscal Decomposition of Unexpected Inflation: Cross-Country Estimates and Theory, Opening the Black Box of College Major Choice: Evidence from an Information Intervention, Experimental Economics, Economics of Education, Behavioral Economics, The Inference-Forecast Gap in Belief Updating, Behavioral and Experimental Economics, Household Finance, Applied Microeconomics, Racial Segmentation in the US Housing Market, Empathy, Motivated Reasoning, and Redistribution, Behavioral and Experimental Economic, Applied Microeconomics, Heterogeneous Intermediaries and the Transmission(s) of Monetary Policy, Becoming Dual: Measuring the Impact of Gaining Medicaid Coverage for Medicare Beneficiaries, Health Economics, Public Economics, Labor Economics, Information Inequality in Centralized School Choice, How Competition Shapes Information in Auctions, Microeconomic Theory, Market Design, Financial Economics, How does the minimum wage affect outsourced workers? References: Zhongjun Qu, Pierre Perron, Hiroaki Kaido, Fields: Economic History, Labor Economics, Gender Economics She can bereached at by e-mail at ssahi@umn.edu. 612-625-6859mneconjm@umn.edu. References: Raymond Fisman, Martin Fiszbein, Dilip Mookherjee, Fields: Macroeconomics, Asset Pricing, International Economics CV| Website | qal@bu.edu Job Market Paper: Unemployment Insurance with Individual Savings Accounts Director of Graduate Placement. References: Marc Rysman, Jihye Jeon, Albert Ma, Jordi Jaumandreu(Teaching), Fields: Labor Economics, Development Economics Job Market Paper:Rethinking Recycling? Field: Labor economics and Development economics. Ph.D. Candidates for 2022-2023 Placement. Experimental Evidence From Colombian Entrepreneurs, Economic Development, Behavioral and Experimental Economics, Entrepreneurship, Before and After Target Date Investing: The General Equilibrium Implications of Retirement Saving Dynamics, Hidden in Plain Sight: Asymmetric Information and Hidden Income within the Household, 2022 Department of Economics Diploma Ceremony, Student Workshop - Behavioral and Experimental, Student Workshop - Industrial Organization, Student Workshop - Industrial Organization Reading Group, Environmental, Resource and Energy Economics. Yan Chen. References: Bart Lipman, Juan Ortner, Chiara Margaria, Fields: Health Economics, Industrial Organization Job Market Paper: On the Incomplete Ordering of Skills: A Study of Occupational Mobility and the Careers of Young Men Stephanie Burbank 650-725-6198 sburbank [at] stanford.edu, Landau Economics Building CV | Website | cesarlgm@bu.edu The University of Minnesota is an equal opportunity educator and employer. CV| Website | gye@bu.edu Job Market Job Market Candidates Thank you for visiting the Department of Economics job market website. References: Dilip Mookherjee, Bart Lipman, Juan Ortner, Fields: Labor Economics, Development Economics References: Raymond Fisman, Dilip Mookherjee, Siddharth George, Samuel Bazzi, Nathan Nunn, Fields: Econometrics, Empirical Industrial Organization, Economics of Innovation References: Randall Ellis, Ching-to Albert Ma, Robert Margo, Fields: Applied Microeconomic Theory, Behavioral Economics, Organizational Economics CV | Website | zhuge@bu.edu Phone: (614) 292-6701. CV| Website | lzinnen@bu.eduw Job Market Candidates 2022-2023 Home Graduate Program Career Placement Job Market Candidates 2022-2023 CONTACT INFORMATION Ufuk Akcigit , Director of Graduate Placement Manasi Deshpande , Co-Director of Graduate Placement Kathryn Falzareno , Graduate Student Affairs Administrator (773) 702-3026 Job Market Paper: What Saves More: Coinsurance or Copayment? CV| Website | sungyup@bu.edu Candidates are assisted in the job placement by both their primary thesis advisors and the placement officer. References: Daniele Paserman, Patricia Cortes, Martin Fiszbein, Fields: Development Economics, Labor Economics, Economics of Education, Political Economy References: Samuel Bazzi, Daniele Paserman, Dilip Mookherjee, Mahesh Karra, Fields: Macroeconomics, Banking, Financial Engineering Research Interests: Econometrics, Macroeconomics, References: Francesca Molinari(chair),Yongmiao Hong,Jos Luis Montiel Olea, Kristoffer Nimark, Kwon CV|Kwon Personal Webpage| hk882@cornell.edu, Job Market Paper:Subsidies versus Tradable Credits for Electric Vehicles: The Role of Market Power in the Credit Market Learn more about Princeton Economics students on the 2020 job market. Research Interests:Labor Economics, Development Economics, References:Ravi Kanbur (chair), Michael Lovenheim,Douglas Miller,Nicholas Sanders, Michele Belot, Kuang CV| Kuang Personal Webpage|yk735@cornell.edu, Job Market Paper:Robust Bayesian Estimation and Inference for Dynamic Stochastic General Equilibrium Models . Economics Ph.D. Job Market Candidates 10/14/2022 The department is proud to support and promote the work of our Ph.D. students who are seeking employment following the completion of their doctoral program. References: Marc Rysman, Jihye Jeon, Randall Ellis,Andrey Fradkin, Fields: Macroeconomics, Corporate Finance PhD in Economics. References: Kevin Lang, Daniele Paserman, James Feigenbaum, Fields: Applied Microeconomics, Development Economics, Political Economy The PSE placement's page gives interested institutions a preview of our Ph.D. candidates and Post-docs who are available for employment. CV| Website | syshu@bu.edu References: Jianjun Miao, Adam Guren, Stephen Terry, Fields: International Finance, International Macroeconomics, Asset Pricing Research Interests:Health Economics, References: John Cawley (chair),Sean Nicholson, Douglas Miller, Wasser CV| Wasser Personal Webpage| dw568@cornell.edu, Job Market Paper:Unemployment Insurance Extensions, Labor Market Concentration, and Match Quality Placement Officer: Professor Stefania Garetto, garettos@bu.edu, (617) 358-5887 Our students are interested in academic jobs as well as research-oriented non-academic positions. C.V. | Website | jlortiz@bu.edu C.V. | Website | csong@bu.edu Job Market Paper: The Creativity Decline: Evidence from US Patents Meet our candidates on the job market for the 2022-23 academic year. Job Market Paper: The Geography of Automation Job Market Paper: The Effect of Federal Oversight on For-Profit Colleges The students on the market this year and links to their webpages are listed along . Graduate Program Job Market and Placements 2022 Job Market Candidates. Job Postings For students pursuing a position within Academia, most job announcements can be found through Job Openings for Economists. CV| Website | wjytx@bu.edu References: Dilip Mookherjee, Juan Ortner, Andrew Newman, Johannes Schmieder, Fields: Development Economics, Labor Economics, Economic History For further information on our candidates, please feel free to contact Kristoffer Nimark,Placement Chair, or any member of the Placement Committee: Comey CV | Comey Personal Webpage | mlc349@cornell.edu, Job Market Paper: Local Wages and the Supply of Post-Secondary Career and Technical Education, Research Interests: Applied Microeconomics, Labor Economics, Public Economics, References: Michael Lovenheim (chair), Stephen Coate, Eleonora Patacchini, Francine Blau, Deneault CV| Deneault Personal Webpage| cd576@cornell.edu, Job Market Paper:Local Labor Markets and Selection into the Teaching Profession Areas of interest: Agricultural Economics; Environmental Economics. C.V. | Website | chpark@bu.edu Job Market Paper: The Long-run Impact of Higher Education: Evidence from the Gaokao (NCEE) Reinstatement in China References: Dilip Mookherjee, Tarek Hassan, Ray Fisman, Fields: Public Economics, Political Economy, Labor Economics Dissertation: Essays on Economic Development and Climate Change. Liran Einav 650-723-3704 leinav [at] stanford.edu, Placement Administrator: Ph.D. References: Randall Ellis, Albert Ma, Robert Margo, Fields: Development Economics, Political Economy, Environmental Economics . Andrew Arnold. View Indiana University graduate students in the job market. References: Marc Rysman, Shanjun Li, Jihye Jeon, Panle Jia Barwick, Fields: Health Economics, Economic History, Empirical Microeconomics Research Interests: Economics of Crime, Public Economics, Labor Economics, References: Seth Sanders (chair), Jamein Cunningham, DonKenkel, Belinda Archibong, Reyes CV| Reyes Personal Webpage| gjr66@cornell.edu, Job Market Paper:Cognitive Endurance, Talent Selection, and the Labor Market Returns to Human Capital C.V. | Website | xud@bu.edu C.V. | Website | richersj@bu.edu HERE ARE OUR CANDIDATES FOR THE 2022-23 JOB MARKET . Job Market Paper: Why Pay the Chief? Minneapolis, The Effect of Chinas Recyclable Waste Import Ban on Pollution Relocation in the U.S. Fields: Environmental Economics, Applied Econometrics, Committee: Eric Zou (Chair), Trudy Ann Cameron, Grant McDermott, Kory Russel (Landscape Architecture and Environmental Studies), Main Office | 736 PLC | 1285 University of Oregon, Eugene, OR 97403-1285 | 541-346-8845 | economics@uoregon.edu. Job Market Candidates | Department of Applied Economics Job Market Candidates The following is a list of Master's and Ph.D. candidates currently seeking jobs. Job Market Candidates 2022-2023 Placement Director Prof. John Kennan 608-262-5393 jkennan@ssc.wisc.edu Placement Administrator Becca George 608-263-3879 becca.george@wisc.edu Our summary packet with Ph.D. candidates on the job market is available for download: 2022-23 UW-Madison Econ Job Market Candidate Summary Packet. C.V. | Website | enjar@bu.edu Job Market Paper: Fiscal and Monetary Policy Interactions in a Model with Low-Interest Rates We can be easily reached via e-mail at mneconplacedir@umn.edu. Job Market Paper: Mass Media and Cultural Homogenization: Broadcasting the American Dream on the Radio Of these, 90 graduates (72%) chose positions at academic institutions and 38 graduates (27%) chose non-academic positions. CV | Website | nilslehr@bu.edu References: Stephen Terry, Adam Guren, Pascual Restrepo, Fields: Political Economy, Behavioral Finance, Labor Economics MondayFriday, 9:00 AM2:00 PM or by appointment. CV| Website | yiming@bu.edu References: Pascual Restrepo, Johannes Schmieder, Kevin Lang, Fields: Econometrics, Time Series Econometrics, Financial Econometrics References: Ray Fisman, Linh T, Jawwad Noor, Fields: Labor Economics, Development Economics References: Tarek Hassan, Simon Gilchrist, Stephen Terry, Andrea Vedolin, Fields: Political Economy, Economic History, Development Economics References: Dilip Mookherjee, Kevin Lang, Siddharth George, Fields: Microeconomic Theory, Game Theory Yongseok Shin is the placement director, and you can contact him directly at 314-935-7138 or email him if you have any questions about our students. Candidate Name. Faculty Advisor, Email. CV | Website | zhaoyh@bu.edu Job Market Paper: Contracting out Labor Market Dynamism Fields of Concentration: Empirical Macroeconomics, Labor Economics, Gender and Development References: Dan Bernhardt danber@illinois.edu Eliza Forsythe eforsyth@illinois.edu Claudia Macaluso claudia.macaluso@rich.frb.org Susan Houseman Houseman@upjohn.org Andrew Garin agarin@illinois.edu C.V. | Website | yumanni@bu.edu References:Daniele Paserman, Ray Fisman, Johannes Schmieder, Fields: Empirical Industrial Organization, Applied microeconomics Caty Bach Job Market Paper: Optimal Screening of Multi-Period Discrete Choice CV | Website | alcobe@bu.edu References: Tarek Hassan, Pascual Restrepo, Nick Bloom, Josh Lerner, Fields: Macroeconomics, Economic Growth Job Market Paper: Wage Differentials and the Price of Workplace Flexibility Job Market Candidates | Department of Economics | UC Santa Barbara 2022-2023 PhD Job Market Candidates Thank you for visiting the Department of Economics placement page. We would also like to emphasize that our students already have extensive teaching experience. The department assists students to prepare and distribute job market materials to potential . Job Market Paper: Equilibrium Effects of Tiered Cost Sharing in the Market for Medical Care References: Adam Guren (co-advisor), Stephen Terry (co-advisor), Pascual Restrepo, Fields: Macroeconomics, Finance C.V. | Website | ackleycb@bu.edu C.V. | Website | svann@bu.edu Job Market Paper: Dynamic Incentive Provision When Evaluation Takes Time Research Interests: Industrial Organization, Environmental and Energy Economics, Applied Microeconomics, References:Panle Barwick (co-chair), Shanjun Li (co-chair),Francesca Molinari, Todd Gerarden, Li CV| Li Personal Webpage| cl2453@cornell.edu, Job Market Paper:How to Make People Work Without Direct Supervision: A Network Bargaining Game Information Economics, 1925 Fourth Street South An Empirical Study of Resource Allocation in Scientific Labs, "Democracy under Assault: Electoral Reform and Political Violence", Public Economics, Environmental Economics, Labor Economics, Education under Extremes: Temperature, Student Absenteeism, and Disciplinary Infractions, "Childcare, Social Skills, and the Labor Market", Littauer Center1805 Cambridge StreetCambridge, MA 02138Phone (617) 495-2144Fax (617) 495-7730economics@harvard.edu, Message from the ChairProgramsHistoryHarvard Economics AlumniContact, AdvisingConcentrating in EconomicsCourses, Tutorials and SeminarsHonors ProgramSenior ThesisSecondary FieldSummer SchoolStudy AbroadOpportunitiesAfter GraduationResources, AdmissionsProgram RequirementsPlacementJob Market Candidates, FacultyGraduate StudentsStaffResearch AppointmentsVisiting Scholars, Funding ProcessFind Research FundingFunding FAQs, Copyright 2023 The President and Fellows of Harvard College. Job Market Candidates. Job Market Candidates | Economics | UCI Social Sciences You are here: economics graduate program 2022-23 Job Market Candidates Daniel Firoozi Email: dfiroozi@uci.edu CV: Curriculum Vitae Concentration: Labor Economics and Public Economics Job Market Paper: The Effect of Research Universities on Student Partisanship and Turnout Committee: Job Market Paper: Organized Crime, Earthquakes and Local Public Procurement: Evidence from Italy The Economics of Purity Norms: Caste, Status, and Womens Work in India, Behavioral Economics, Experimental Economics, Labor Economics, What Jobs Come to Mind? C.V. | Website | xiaoxiz@bu.edu Available November 2022 for positions in Summer/Fall 2023, Placement Officers: 579 Jane Stanford Way Job Market Paper: Inference in Predictive Regressions with Persistent Predictors What is economics? C.V. | Website | gio@bu.edu References: Adam Guren, Stephen Terry, Robert G King, Fields: Labor Economics, Macroeconomics, Econometrics How do Triage Scores Affect Physician Behaviour in the Emergency Department?
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